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How To Promote My Business or Blog 30 Proven Places
How To Promote My Business or Blog 30 Proven Places

How to promote my business on the internet for free is a big question for a started business or a blogger. We have 30 proved places including google where you can promote your business for absolutely free.

Nearly there are billions of businesses out there, finding as many ways to reach more customers. Before the internet, small ventures or businesses only had few ways to market their product at a cheap price, methods like printing out fliers or sponsoring little local events, doing small collaborations.

Now the Internet created an easy path between businesses and consumers, an easy way to do it just needs to know where to look. Businesses may not have lots of money to spend on marketing in the early stage of startups but don’t mean there aren’t any effective ways to get your brand out there.

Every business owners want to put their products and services in front of their potential customers. However, most of the traditional ways cost capital, and not every startup can afford TV advertisements or advertising holdings. In this case, the Internet could be a great option to successfully promote your business without spending a lot of capital.

How To Promote My Business or Blog For Free

The Internet is one of the biggest marketing platforms out there that doesn’t cost a dime. That doesn’t mean it’s completely free, but there are many free ways to do it which costs nothing to promote your business online.

There are many marketing platforms that can be used for free to promote your business. Starting from Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, Podcasting, and other plenty of platforms, these platforms cost much lower capital than other traditional ways to promote the business.

30 Proven Places To Promote Your Business or Blog for Free

  1. Insert Calls To Action
  2. Google My Business
  3. Facebook Page
  4. Facebook Group
  5. Facebook Live
  6. Facebook Stories
  7. Facebook Events
  8. Answer Questions
  9. Pinterest Communities
  10. Instagram Stories
  11. Instagram Live
  12. Twitter
  13. Youtube
  14. Email-Marketing
  15. Affiliate Program
  16. Host a Webinar
  17. Be a Webinar Guest
  18. Blogging
  19. Guest Blogging
  20. Linkedin Posts
  21. Linkedin Groups
  22. Linkedin Messages
  23. Have a Podcasts
  24. Be a Guest on Podcasts
  25. Offer Free Or Discounted Product/Service
  26. Comment on Blogs In Your Niche
  27. Promote Your Content
  28. Pay For Advertising
  29. Be a Partner
  30. Ask to Promote

1. Insert Calls To Action

The call to action (CTA) button works as a key element between a business and customers. Having a call to action button on a website or webpage acts as a signpost that lets the user know what to do next, without a CTA button customers may get confused to take purchase a product or sign up for a newsletter and likely to leave the website.

Users can easily interact with the business or a blogger to under about the product or services. CTA button helps to grow your audience and increase sales. The call to action button leads to convert visitors into buyers.

2. Google My Business

Google is not just a search engine, Google is also a Business directory. Using google listing for a small business gives a kick to grow on the internet fast. Google My Business helps businesses to be listed on Google maps and searches, Google has made it easy to manage business location on the map. Just go to Google My Business and enter details about your business, add your location and claim your listing.

Google My Business Account provides Four major benefits:

  • Easily show up in Google Maps Searches so customers can easily contact.
  • Earn trust from customers, Getting reviews is an easy and free way to get ahead of your competitors by building customers’ trust and increasing search engine visibility.
  • Star Ratings Boost Your Appeal, having great visibility on search engines and giving great services, helps in increasing ratings on Google.
  • Increase Traffic and Sales, Google My business helps in increasing traffic and sales by providing great values to the businesses.

3. Facebook Page

Facebook is one of the biggest and largest social media platforms in the world, having billions of users. The Facebook page could help businesses or bloggers to build a long-term relationship with their users. Page is a clear legitimate way to reach more customers and build more engagement.

Facebook Pages can drive traffic to a website easily without spending any marketing expenses.

4. Facebook Group

Facebook group helps to gain customers’ trust by easily interacting with them, talking directory with customers. You can easily learn from the members to do any changes to the product or services. Facebook group helps to increase engagement, leads conversion, and sales for your brand or business.

It’s a complete direct line to the customers, you can build long-lasting relationships with customers. Groups help to establish a brand and promote your business to a large number of people.

5. Facebook Live

Facebook live provides a great value to directly connect with consumers, can use to showcase new products or new services. Facebook Live is a reliable method to deliver content with high-quality live broadcasts, which helps build a brand’s reputation and reach.

Going live helps to increase engagement with older customers also helps to get as new customers. Facebook Live is the best platform for giving daily information or news.

6. Facebook Stories

Facebook stories are insanely popular features, which are consistently used by every Facebook user. Stories provide an organic way to connect with your customers, with Facebook Stories brands can easily demonstrate new products or services. Can easily show what hard works going behind the scenes for making the best products.

Facebook stories come with packed in features like text, filters, and stickers to make the story more attractive. Adding the right element to the story, specific tags to images, helps to boost engagements.

7. Facebook Events

Facebook Event has its own potential when it comes to reaching a wide audience, for grabbing customer’s attention. Creating Facebook Event is completely free there’s no investment need in the ad campaign. One of the biggest strategic advantages of Facebook Event is, by doing a bit of work – it can reach a huge range of audiences.

8. Answer Questions

Answering questions on the web is one of the best tricks to easily attend audience attention. Providing answers according to your business or brand niche gives customers to know more about you. For providing answers for any query you can use Quora. Quora is one of the biggest question-and-answer websites where questions are asked, answered, followed, and edited by Internet users.

You can directly navigate any user by giving answers, and drive traffic to your website by providing your website link.

9. Pinterest Communities

The Pinterest community also was known as group boards, which are owned by community creators & automatically sets to secret. But you can set these group boards to the public, group boards can only be joined through invitation. In group board members can help each other o create rich pins, you can view activity inside of group boards to see what people are posting in a ‘community’ style.

10. Instagram Stories

To post a story on Instagram you must have a business account. A business account helps to reach more audience, with Instagram stories stay top of mind. Some brands use Instagram stories more interactive extension for their business, their Instagram stories contents reflect their strategy and branding.

on Instagram stories, you can set polls for encouraging audience interaction and helps increase engagement. You can easily gather information to see what your audience or follower like or don’t like. Ask questions or let your followers ask you questions.

11. Instagram Live

Instagram Live grab audience interests and help them to learn more about your brand. One of the biggest benefits of Instagram Live is it allows you to interact with the audience in real-time. You can easily capture a wide audience when you start a Livestream.

Instagram live will give you more visibility: Instagram Live can help business or brand to expand the reach on Instagram because Live stories are placed in front of regular stories and, hence gets more visibility.

12. Twitter

Using Twitter for business could help you in many ways, by not just increasing the engagements with customers but also increasing brand value. Twitter is one of the popular and reputable social networks around the world, having billions of users. Twitter helps to increase brand awareness, helps you to keep up with the latest trends in your industry.

On Twitter, you can promote your blog content, videos, presentations, etc. Drive traffic to your website, helps to boost your website SEO. On Twitter, you will get instant feedback about your launched products or services.

13. Youtube

YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform owned by Google, Youtube has a monthly 2 billion logged-in users. Marketing on Youtube helps you get found on Google fast, on Youtube, your content never dies. Uploading great videos according to the user’s interest could help you grow your audience worldwide. You can earn money on Youtube with AdSense.

YouTube user statistics:

  • YouTube has 2 billion logged-in monthly users. …
  • 73% of adults in the U.S. use YouTube. …
  • 81% of 15–25 year-olds in the U.S. use YouTube. …
  • Almost 15% of YouTube’s site traffic comes from the U.S. …
  • 93% of video watchers in India are watching YouTube. …
  • Only 33% of popular YouTube videos are in English.

14. Email-Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to increase the brand value because it provides you a direct line to the email inboxes of your customers or potential customers. Regularly provide updates to your subscribers helps to gain customer’s trust. Marketing the products or services through email is a fast, flexible, and cost-effective way for reaching new customers and retaining existing customers.

Email marketing helps you to create targeted and personalized messages according to your customers. It is easy to share method for reaching a global audience.

15. Affiliate Program

Having an affiliate program for your products and services helps to grow your business faster. Publishers will join your affiliate program and earn some commission when they promote your and product or services and make any sales. It’s a low-cost service that helps to make more sales without making any work.

Affiliate Program helps to grow brand awareness without making any effort, it also helps in Increasing SEO. Affiliate Program is a time-saving marketing strategy.

16. Host a Webinar

Hosting a webinar could help to skyrocket your business exposure and reach a large audience with very little cost. Webinars allow business or brand to easily promote their products or services, especially when a brand launching high-quality products.

Webinars are mostly based on teaching new things than a regular presentation, it helps to generate pretty much sales leads. Hosting a webinar helps to build a cumulative brand value, for your targeted audience.

17. Be a Webinar Guest

Being on a webinar of a brand helps you know the strategy and way to do a business in the market. You could be a guest of a webinar to talk about anything related to your business.

18. Blogging

Every company needs a blog page to increase its visibility and brand awareness. The more content you have, the more opportunities you’ll have to show up in the search engines and drive organic traffic to your website. Blogs provide the perfect way to strengthen the website SEO.

Blogs help as a representation of your company, keeps the audience interested, and promote your company.

19. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging offers a number of benefits for any business. It is a content marketing and SEO technique where someone writes a post on a third-party website to promote their persona/corporate brand.

Guest blogging helps to build relationships with another leader in your field and expose your brands to entirely new audience.

20. Linkedin Posts

On Linkedin, your profile and posts became search-friendly. On searches, your Linkedin page will show up on the Internet and makes it easy for future customers you easily locate you and learn more about your business. Search engines such as Google, Bing love high-profile, well-established websites like Linkedin.

On Linkedin share timely and relevant content in front of customers or professionals. Grab attention with an image or video, Include a simple and clear call-to-action, Tag people and pages mentioned.

21. Linkedin Groups

The LinkedIn group isn’t just a place for businesses to nuke advertisements, it’s a place to share great content for those who want most valuable. Sharing content on groups achieves not only higher engagements but also more quality interactions.

Groups could help greatly boost a brand’s name and online reputation. On LinkedIn, businesses have a great opportunity to get connected with like-minded in an exclusive forum. You can share common skills, experience, industry affiliations, and goals in a group.

22. LinkedIn Messages

LinkedIn Messages is a feature that allows you to send direct messages to any prospects and industry leaders who are not yet your connection. You can easily talk with someone, the advantage of the LinkedIn message is it said to be have an 85% open rate compared to traditional email.

23. Have a Podcasts

Doing a Podcasts is a more easy and personal way to reach out to new potential customers. Customers get a better idea of what your business is about, helps to show your value and the way of running a business. Podcasts allow the audience to listen while doing other things.

Podcasts help to build brand authority & credibility in its industry, businesses can create a deeper relationship with their audience. You can connect with more influencers and others in your industry.

24. Be a Guest on Podcasts

Being a guest on Podcasts helps you to reach more users and increase brand impressions. You can target your audience with your unique message, you can tell your listeners about your business and what you can do to help, and how they can contact you.

25. Offer Free Or Discounted Product/Service

Offering free or discounted products/services to your customers helps in increasing sales across the board. This helps to boost brand reputation.

Offering discounts is a great benefit to increase business awareness, businesses can gain more brand value by giving weekly or monthly discounts or special offers, or starting a loyalty rewards program.

26. Comment on Blogs In Your Niche

Commenting on other blogs in related industries helps improve visibility on the Internet. When people are browsing on blogs related to your industry, then the chance of people coming to your website increases by commenting.

Doing commenting creates a link between you and that blog site, which turns into a great source of traffic. It also helps in boosting the Search Engine Optimization of your blog and generate more leads.

27. Promote Your Content

Promote your content on social media, influencer sites, on other blogs, or many other places to generate more leads for your business. This method helps to increase the visibility of your brand and develops a long-lasting relationship with your audience.

Doing this helps in improving brand awareness and recognition in audience minds can create loyalty and trust, with your current customers and upcoming future customers. Helps to build authority and credibility, and gives a position to your business in your industry.

28. Pay For Advertising

You can use PPC (Google AdWords) to promote your business or you can pay a website owner or other industry to showcase your brand products and services at some cost.

Doing PPC for your business can give you instant results. PPC is one of the best and easy ways to promote your business or blog online at a low cost. It helps to increase sales or leads, PPC is measurable & trackable you can track everything happening to your ad.

29. Be a Partner

Having a business partnership gives you and extra sets of hands to make the work easier. Your business gets the benefit of additional knowledge which helps the business grow faster, on a partnership you’ll have a less financial burden.

In a partnership, each partner invests equally in the success of the business. Partnership increases the financial health of the existing business.

30. Ask to Promote

As I said earlier you can ask other providers to promote your business online. You can sponsor your products on other blogs, doing this helps to raise brand awareness and create preference.

Create a positive PR and raise awareness of the brand as a whole, helps to build brand positioning through associative imagery.

FAQ (Question & Answer)

Benefits of commenting on other blogs

Doing commenting creates a link between you and that blog site, which turns into a great source of traffic. It also helps in boosting the Search Engine Optimization of your blog and generate more leads.

Benefits of Affiliate Program for business

Affiliate Program helps to grow brand awareness without making any effort, it also helps in Increasing SEO. Affiliate Program is a time-saving marketing strategy.

Benefits of Email-Marketing for business

Email marketing helps you to create targeted and personalized messages according to your customers. It is easy to share method for reaching a global audience.


These are one of the best 30 Proven places to promote your business mostly free on the Internet. By using these methods you can easily drive traffic to your blog or make more sales and generate leads.

Don’t forget to share your ideas and experiences with us, use the comment section below❤️.

17 thoughts on “How To Promote My Business or Blog: 30 Proven Places”

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